
Simple navy dress.

dress 12:07 AM
I have never liked blue. I've always thought that it' wasn't my colour. But some time ago I got to like navy blue. It's such a cool colour :)I haven't even noticed when I became the owner of so many different kind of navy blue fabrics. The one I used in this dress I like a lot. It's so casual. I chose simple dress...

Birthday dress.

dress 2:25 PM
Ok - I thought - it's been a few weeks at least since my last sawing operation.Let's do something again! First whole Saturday I was thinking what to do and what textile to use for this vauge proejct. Finally after midnight when my son fall asleep and I made a decision I started sewing. I chose the dress which I didn't like too much when...

Mint mist.

dress 4:24 PM
This is again my flea market gain. I bought two sheets of this mint fabric which is heavier than chiffon but lighter than tulle. I believe they were curtains in their previous life. But I don't care - nice fabric is nice no matter what an intended use is or was. It was last summer when I bought it. June this year I...

Sweet 50's.

dress 4:56 PM
I thought I would make some skirt out of this grey piece of jaquard. I couldn't decide what kind of skirt it would be. Accidentally I found a dress in Burda (05/2010) which initially hadn't caught my eye because of the shape. I am a fan of pencil dresses and avoid flared skirts. Don't know why I decided to try it out. Then...

Going green.

skirt 7:06 PM
I found this skirt in Burda (09/2010) and I badly wanted to sew it. I thought that one of my mother's fabrics which I bought for her would be perfect. The process of sewing became quite long... After making pattern I cut the fabric and left it overhanging the bicycle in my room for some weeks. Meanwhile I sewed some other things. And...